Friday, 7 May 2010

What A Wake Up!

Having watched the election results with fascination for some time last night, I was awoken this morning by a banging on my door and a very nice delivery man handing over the CS5 version of Production Premium.
I sit here now, listening the the fact that we have a hung parliament, still bewildered by the fact that hundreds of voters were turned away from the polling stations, swigging coffee to stay awake and installing new software (only had 5 hours of sleep after following the election results).
The biggest election surprise for me (and many others by the sounds of it) is that the Lib Dems have actually lost more seats than they have gained and that their overall votes have increased by only 1%.
On a local note, Oxford East is looking like a spot of Red in a sea of Blue as Oxford West has now gone from Gold to Blue.

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